Self Esteem

Just had to share this. It’s from a blog called Monkeytraps (it’s in my blog roll).  I would have written a 1,000 word post to explain what Fritzfreud did in a short series of dialogue. This is so straight forward, yet incredibly powerful. The truth he portrays here is one I had to work long and hard (and have BN explain to me 534,123 times) before it penetrated. Wish I had seen this years ago.

Bert’s Therapy: Self-Esteem

  1. October 19, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    Thanks for sharing that with us. It really hits home for me and came at the perfect time for me in my life. It validates how I feel It has taken me some time to realize it like you. It usually only happens after alot of soul work and sometimes pain.


    • October 26, 2011 at 4:27 pm

      Reading that was like having someone articulate something I knew, but wasn’t able to put into words. And I have to agree that “after a lot of soul work and sometimes pain” describes the process.



  2. October 19, 2011 at 11:27 pm

    Thanks for sharing that link.

    It is very straightforward – I like that!


    • October 20, 2011 at 11:13 am

      Glad you enjoyed it Amanda. That was what I liked it about to, very simple and straight to the heart of the matter. I’ve been really enjoying his blog and always find it good food for thought.


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